Sunday, August 25, 2013

Bucket Fillers

Yikes, it's been a loonng time since I posted anything.  I was busy with some summer jobs and didn't get all that I wanted to do done this summer.  Isn't that always the case?  Summer is never long enough.

So the kiddos first day is tomorrow.  I'm as ready as I can be and this year is a group of kids I taught as first graders, so it will be nice to see how much they have changed and get to teach some of the kids I don't know very well.

The first week, I spend a lot of time building the classroom community and setting the tone for the year.  I love reading, Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud.  It is a great story about how everyone has an invisible bucket and how our actions can fill someone's bucket or take away from someone's bucket.  I just made a follow-up  for it.  Students will draw and label three ways to fill someone else's bucket and three ways someone can fill their bucket.  Hope you can use it!   You can grab it (for FREE) at my TpT store!

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