Sunday, July 7, 2013

3 Teacher Chicks Bloglovin' Giveaway (and freebie!!!)

Want a chance to win an awesome giveaway from 3 Teacher Chicks?
You can win a $10 Target gift card and any product from Amy's story.  Trust me, her products/units are fantastic! I bought her Multiplication Boot Camp and the kids loved the games!  They were so engaged and loved the boot camp theme.  I didn't have time to do the drills and have the kids practice how she did, but I am using those this year.

Here's her pic of her units so you can see some of your options. Click the link below to go to 3 Teacher Chicks' to read how to enter!  And you can download a great freebie too!  :)

~Colleen ❤


  1. Colleen- Thanks so much for blogging about the giveaway! I appreciate the shout out! I am so glad that you love the Multiplication Boot Camp! I would love to offer you any one of my products from my store for free just for giving such great feedback! Email me with your choice!
    3 Teacher Chicks

  2. I definitely went and entered this giveaway! She has some wonderful units!!

    I have nominated you for the Liebster award. Visit my blog for the details. I had some fun with this!!

    1. Yay! I'm glad you entered and thank you for nominating me, it looks like fun. I have to decide what blogs to nominate!

      PS I'm a new follower :)

  3. Hey lady! I'm just stopping by to thank you for your comment on my July currently post! I appreciate SO much you following my blog and becoming a member! I follow yours too! I also love finding new 3rd grade blogs to stalk! Yours is so cute! :)

    Thanks again! :)
    Mrs. Johnson's Little Prowlers
